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Meeting with Congresswoman Delbene

I had the distinct honor of representing once more through the Washington Compact at a meeting with Congresswoman Delbene recently.  Her warmth and charm as well as her real concern for immigration reform made me proud that she is representing us in Congress and fighting our fight.  As a a reminder to my readers, Representative Delbene lead a group of House Democrats in introducing H.R. 15- the House version of the comprehensive immigration reform bill passed by Senate.  Though nothing has come of the bill yet, she continues to seek support for it.   Now that the GOP immigration principles have been revealed, I am sure a new debate is about to begin.

Rep.Delbene-Tahmina pic

But we as citizens and residents need to help her help us.  We need to contact our Republican Congress Representatives to tell them we want immigration reform. To that end, has made it very easy to contact your closest Republican Congress Representative.  Be the 12th Man for Immigration Reform!