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Startup Law Talk Workshop: The Essential Legal Documents for Startups

Last minute change from H1b and the Startup

Save the date! November 12, 2012, 5:30-8pm.

Due do unexpected circumstances beyond her control, Tahmina Watson will not be able to give the presentation on the H1b Visa.  Instead, Carter Mackley will be presenting on The Essential Legal Documents for Startups.  One can quickly form a company under state law but a properly documented startup needs a number of standard legal documents to establish rights and protocols with respect to ownership and management of the company.  Besides the articles of incorporation or organization filed with the state, there are shareholder agreements, stock certificates and ledgers, founder agreements, stock option plan documents, IP assignments, non-disclosure agreements, and contracts with suppliers and service providers, among other documents.   Carter will review the purpose and function of all of the essential documents.

As usual, email us if you have any specific questions you want to cover.  We look forward to seeing you there!

We apologize for the last minute change.  If you would like a refund on your registration fee please email Carter at [email protected].