The alphabet soup that the US visa system is, still has a few unused letters. The Senate is hoping to use up one of the remaining letters. W.
A possible new W visa will apply to low-skilled workers. Currently, the US does not have a specific visa for low skilled workers. The H2B visa is used for seasonal workers (salmon catching or fruit picking, for example). But there isn’t a specific visa for businesses to hire extra help which do not require a professional skill set. I don’t know how many times I have had to tell people there are no visas to bring a caregiver for a carehome, or that a slaughter house cannot bring special workers from their home country even if there is no one with specific training in the US. So, the W visa would certainly be a welcome visa. Labor Unions and the US Chambers of Commerce support the proposed W Visa visa. Here is a link to what America’s Union organization says aboout the proposed W Visa.
Like many others, I am anxiously awaiting the bill to see what is in fact included.