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USCIS to Begin Triennial Investment and Revenue Threshold Updates for International Entrepreneur Parole/Rule (IEP)

USCIS has just announced increases to investment and revenue thresholds for International Entrepreneur Parole which will take effect on October 1, 2024.

Key changes include:

For initial IEP applications:

  • Higher amounts for qualified investments to $311,071 (currently $264,147); and
  • Higher amounts for qualified government awards/grants to $124,429 (currently $105,659);

For IEP extension/renewal applications:

  • Higher amounts for qualified investments, qualified government awards/grants, or a combination of both to $622,142 (currently $528,293);
  • Creation of at least 5 qualified jobs; or
  • Higher amounts to generated annual revenue to $622,142 (currently $528,293)

For “qualified investors”:

  • Qualified investors must have made investments in other start-up entities totaling to $746,571 (currently $633,952);
  • At least 2 of the start-up entities the qualified investor has invested in have created at least 5 qualified jobs OR generated $622,142 (currently $528,293) in revenue with average annualized revenue growth of at least 20%.

For more details, please read the announcement on the USCIS website here:

If you are interested in filing an IEP application for your start-up entity, please reach out to [email protected] or call (206) 292-5237.