Today, USCIS gave notice that it intends to release a new form which will likely have a burdensome effect on applicants and increase application processing times. This new form and collection of information relates to and is deemed necessary to comply with section 2 of the Executive order (E.O.) entitled “Protecting the United States from Foreign Terrorists and Other National Security and Public Safety Threats.”
Key points:
- The new form will collect 24 new data elements to establish “enhanced screening and vetting standards.”
- It will apply to nine key immigration applications, including those for naturalization, to register permanent residence or adjust status, petition by entrepreneur to remove conditions on permanent resident status, and advance parole travel documents.
- Some of the new questions include disclosing the names, residence, and phone number, of all family member (parent, spouse, siblings, and children).
The USCIS invites the general public to comment upon this proposed new collection of information within the next 60 days.
You may access the information collection instrument with instructions or additional information by visiting the Federal eRulemaking Portal site at: and entering USCIS-2025-0002 in the search box.
For more information about this proposal, please see attached: