About 25 attorneys and paralegals provided pro bono legal advice to local people. Almost 100 people attended and many people were able to file their citizenship applications on the day. The event was reported in various local media. Some links can be found below:
1. NBC reports on local news: http://www.kndu.com/global/video/popup/pop_playerLaunch.asp?vt1=v&clipFormat=flv&clipId1=3667541&at1=News&h1=Yakima’s Citizenship Day Big Step in Becoming U.S. Citizen
2. CBS reports on local news: http://www.kimatv.com/news/43232767.html?video=YHI&t=a
Watson Immigration Law is proud to be part of this successful event. For anyone looking for free legal advice about their citizenship application, they can attend the final Citizenship day to be held on May 30th, 2009. See the One America website for more details- http://www.weareoneamerica.org/