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Tahmina on Q13 Fox News

Copied from Washington Women Lawyers website:

Washington Women Lawyers Discuss Elena Kagan’s Nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court

Chief Justice Barbara Madsen, Jessica Skelton and Tahmina Watson of Washington Women Lawyers appeared on Q13 News on May 18th to discuss the implications of Solicitor General Kagan’s nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court and the progress women lawyers have made in the state of Washington. In speaking later about the interview, Jessica said, “I am very proud that WWL was considered an important point of contact to determine not only what the nomination means to women attorneys but also to address the current challenges women face in the legal profession. We have benefited in Washington from having such gender diversity on our state’s highest court, and the nation will surely benefit from a more diverse Supreme Court. Ensuring a diverse judiciary is important not only for our legal profession, it is a key component of guaranteeing justice for those parties appearing in our nation’s courts.” Here is the video of the interview:

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