Watson Immigration Law has attended several events recently. Here is some information about two of these events:
Kindering: On May 6th 2011, Watson Immigration Law attended the annual luncheon of Kindering, a noble organization that assists children with disabilities. Dennis Bound from King 5 television was the presenter of the event. With some 500 people in attendance, the event was well attended. It was the first time I attended this event. As a new parent with a 15 month old child, I was touched by what I learned at this event. Kindering is an organization that helps parents and children at a very difficult time in their lives. I hope the organization continues to support families who need them.
WA MBA scene: On May 6th 2011, Summit Law Group hosted their annual Minority Bar Leaders event. Co-sponsored by the Washington Bar Association this year, the event was well attended. Watson Immigration Law was once again proud to be part of this evening. Thank you Summit Law Group and WSBA for hosting such a fabulous event.