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Tahmina raises immigration reform with US SBA Head and Sen. Cantwell

On April 24 2014, the newly appointed Head of the US Small Business Administration Ms. Maria Contreras-Sweet attended the Seattle Chamber of Commerce with Senator Maria Cantwell.  It was great to meet two powerful women in person.  Senator Cantwell leads the SBA and Global Entrepreneurship committee for Congress.


Ms. Contreras-Sweet, an immigrant herself, is yet another example of immigrants making a huge difference to the nation.  I took the opportunity to raise immigration reform with both Sen. Cantwell and Ms. Contreras-Sweet and emphasized the importance of immigration reform for the economy and job creation.  Both were receptive to my comments.  I hope they will take my remarks back with them to take action.

Thank you Seattle of Chamber of Commerce for organizing the event and to both Sen. Cantell and Administrator Contreras-Sweet for attending.