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March Madness Politics

As an immigration lawyer, what do I look for when it comes to USCIS? A good system that works.  For that, what is most needed is good leadership. Leadership that can accomplish tasks, organize large groups of people.  That is what I saw in Alejandro Majorkas, current Deputy Secretary of the DHS, former Director of USCIS.

There has been much written about him over the last 24 hours.  But I wanted my readers to know that he was was a great leader for USCIS. Under his leadership, the agency saw much progress.  In fact, when he was promoted to number two of DHS, I felt it was a loss to USCIS- but was happy he had oversight in his new role.  He was a fast learner on all the tough immigration issues we face when he first took on the job. He brought to the agency engagement with stakeholders and better efficiency. He started the creation of precedent cases that would set example for specific types of cases.  He created the Entrepreneur in Residence program specifically for startup founders which was also followed by a special web portal for entrepreneurs.  That is only a small list of what he did.

As a lawyer, he’s a problem solver.  As an immigrant himself, he was empathetic yet firm in his leadership. As a team player, he made stakeholders feel their voices were being heard.  He really took note of what experts had to say and tried to make a difference.

With his hard earned knowledge of immigration law, the processes and the agency, his leadership as Deputy Secretary of the Homeland Security is immensely valuable to USCIS and to the public.  His understanding can bring more cohesive action between all agencies under the DHS such as ICE, CBP and USCIS. Rather than taint his name, I hope it will ultimately be recognized that he is a an excellent leader with great integrity and dedication to public service.