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WIL attends SABAW banquet 2011

The South Asian Bar Association of Washington held its annual banquet on November 10, 2011 at the Marriot Waterfront hotel in downtown Seattle. Some 200 people attended the festive events.  Guests included several Federal and State court judges as well as leaders of various Washington minority bar assocations.  This year’s banquet was particularly interesting as attorneys representing the high-profile case of US v. Hamdan attended to speak about their extraordinary experience. We were taken through the journey of how the case had landed on their desk to their trips to Washington D.C, to Guantanamo Bay and finally to Yemen.  Though I had heard of this case in the past, I really did not appreciate the magnitude of what was accomplished.  Hats off to all the lawyers who acted in this case.

The South Asian Bar Association had a significant development this year.  A new directory of all South Asian attorneys in Washington State has been created to assist the local South Asian community. Such a directory had not existed until now.  Watson Immigration Law commends the SABAW for taking this step to assist a community that represents a significant portion of our clientele.

Overall the event was colorful as usual and much fun. Thank you SABAW for throwing yet another fabulous event!