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Green Card for Startup Founders Just Became Easier! New Case Law- Matter of Dhansar!

Green Card for Startup Founders Just Became Easier!  New Case Law- Matter of Dhansar! Many of my regular readers will know that we have been anxiously awaiting guidance on a[…]

Work Permission for Abused Spouses of A, G, E-3 and H visa holders: The Details

As an immigration lawyer, I often hear heartbreaking stories of abuse. Abuse of immigrants, visitors, undocumented aliens and many more.  Sometimes there is a solution, but more often than not,[…]

International Entrepreneurs Rule (Obama’s Startup Visa Alternative)- Detailed Summary by Tahmina

Final International Entrepreneur rules were released on January 13th 2017. Here is my updated blog post. International Entrepreneurs Rule A Simplified Summary by Tahmina Watson On August 26, 2016, USCIS announced proposed new[…]