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Forbes Discusses Startup Visas with Tahmina

Image Courtesy of Forbest

Image Courtesy of Forbes

I am incredibly honored that Forbes magazine interviewed me to discuss the state of Startup Visas in the US.  Journalist Adriana Gardella took the time to read my book and understand the critical issues holding back Startup founders from staying in the US.  Here is an exerpt of from her article:

“The U.S. immigration system is based on models established in the 1950s and 60s that don’t accommodate entrepreneurship,” said Ms. Watson, who has expanded her blog on the topic into a book, The Startup Visa: Key to Job Growth and Economic Prosperity in America. In a recent conversation, she talked about what Procter & Gamble and WhatsApp have in common, how other countries are courting the entrepreneurs we discourage, and why U.S. policies on legal immigration are just as problematic as those on illegal immigration.”

Here is a link to the full article.  I hope you will spread the article within your networks. Unless we keep the topic alive, Congress will not pay attention.  If you want to see a Startup Visa in the US, please be an advocate on the issue.