H1b Season Is Here!
The annual H1b application filing window is about to open and like other years, demand is likely to exceed supply. There are 65,000 visa available for those with Bachelor’s degrees[…]
The annual H1b application filing window is about to open and like other years, demand is likely to exceed supply. There are 65,000 visa available for those with Bachelor’s degrees[…]
Immigration was touched upon in the State of the Union speech and references to entrepreneurship and job creation. Here is a pdf of the speech with the relevant sections highlighted[…]
The White House released the entire State of the Union speech on Medium.com. https://medium.com/@WhiteHouse/president-obamas-state-of-the-union-address-remarks-as-prepared-for-delivery-55f9825449b2. See below. President Obama’s State of the Union Address — Remarks As Prepared for Delivery There is[…]
Today, Sen. Moran (R-Kansas) together with 5 other Senators introduced the most recent version of the bipartisan bill Startup Act creating a new visa category for startup founders and STEM degree holders.[…]
There is rejoicing around the country this week fresh on the heels of President Obama’s announcement of executive action on immigration. The announcement comes after years of advocacy from all[…]
It has been a busy few days of sharing my thoughts on immigration changes. Here are some links to pull them together: Pre-executive action announcement: Seattle Globalist An easy fix[…]
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, DACA was revised through President Obama’s executive action last week. Previously, a DACA applicant must have arrived in the US by June 2007 and must[…]
Through Executive Action, President Obama will confer deferred action to undocumented parents of US citizens and Green Card holders. Who will qualify: 1. If you have a child that is[…]
Since the announcement of immigration executive action broke, the question that I have seen most is this “will immigration reform help my family based pending petition (F1, F2, F3 and[…]
Dear Readers, I am sorry I have not given you detailed information and guidance yet. I have seen your questions and comments, esp. on family-based matters. I will start writing[…]