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A Startup Visa: Now Or Never?

Check out Tahmina Watson’s most recent article, “A Startup Visa: Now Or Never?” featured in Above the Law. Copied from article: If people aren’t equating immigration with the economy, it means[…]

2nd Edition Startup Visa Book set to launch July 20th!

We are excited to announce that the 2nd edition of Tahmina Watson’s book, The Startup Visa: Key to Job Growth & Economic Prosperity in America, is set to launch Tuesday,[…]

Startup Visa Podcast Series to Accompany the 2nd Edition Book! – Guest John Dearie

We are excited to release the next interview of the “Startup Visa Series” on our popular podcast, Tahmina Talks Immigration. This interview series compliments the launch of the 2nd Edition of The Startup[…]

Webinar – Stop the Incinerator: The high cost of green card slots going unused and the benefits of recapturing them

Check out the Niskanen Center’s upcoming Webinar, “Stop the Incinerator: The high cost of green card slots going unused and the benefits of recapturing them” on July 14th at 1pm[…]

Startup Visa Podcast Series to Accompany the 2nd Edition Book! – Guest Stuart Anderson

We are excited to release the next interview of the “Startup Visa Series” on our popular podcast, Tahmina Talks Immigration. This interview series compliments the launch of the 2nd Edition of The Startup[…]

Startup Visa Podcast Series to Accompany the 2nd Edition Book! – Guest Nina Roberts

We are excited to release the next interview of the “Startup Visa Series” on our popular podcast, Tahmina Talks Immigration. This interview series compliments the launch of the 2nd Edition[…]